Daniele Ravaglia
Via Santerno-Ammonite 310A,
Santerno di Ravenna,
+39 0544-417626
Daniele Ravaglia studied the concert accordion
under the guidance of M° Balilla Pratella and M°Scioni Alfreda in Ravenna and has won many Competitions and received prestigous awards
Renzo Ruggieri
- (Performer)
viale Europa, 15,
Roseto degli Abruzzi,
TE, 64026,
+39 085-8942272
Player, Composer and Teacher for Jazz and Electronic Accordion
Daniele Venturi
Via Vittorio Veneto 17, Firenze, Impruneta, 50023,
+39 055-2011416
+39 055-2011416
Classical Accordionist
Simone Zanchini
- (Performer)
Via Raggiolo 57, Novafeltria,
PS, 61015,
+39 0541-921204
+39 0542-22631
See Simone Zanchini site
Vladimir Zubitsky
(Conductor & Performer)
Via Confalonieri, 17, Pesaro,
+39 0721-416-014
Famous composer and concert performer, teacher at the Kiev Conservatory, has recorded many times and played on the radio and TV. Winner "Coupe
Mondiale" in 1975. President of the Ukrainian Accordion Association. Composer of music for accordion (2 concerts, 2 symphonies, sonatas, etc.), symphony orchestras, operas, ballet. Currently living in Italy
Raimondas Sviackevicius
- (Performer)
Zemynos 33-30,
+370 2 478427
+370 2 670273
Serguei Tibets
- (Conductor)
Condominios Constitucion ed.10 dep.4. Col. Centro.,
NL, 64000,
+52 8-3400925
+52 8-3400925
Born in Russia in 1961. Professor and orchestra director. From 1992 a Professor at the Superior School of Music and Dance of Monterrey Mexico
Serguei Tibets
- (Conductor)
Condominios Constitucion ed.10 dep.4. Col. Centro.,
NL, 64000,
+52 8-3400925
+52 8-3400925
Born in Russia in 1961. Professor and orchestra director. From 1992 a Professor at the Superior School of Music and Dance of Monterrey Mexico
Jean-Pierre Guiran
Langbroekerdijk 14, Driebergen,
3972 ND,
+31 343-533787
+31 343-533845
Christine Adams
11a Gilshennan Valley, Red Beach,
Hibiscus Coast,
Auckland, 1461,
New Zealand
+64 9-4262650
+44 870 124-6163
Teacher in the North Auckland region, conductor of the Music Makers Accordion Orchestra and the Hibiscus Coast Accordion Orchestra. Member of the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra
Tracey Collins
- (Performer)
187 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay,
Auckland, 1310,
New Zealand
ex-member of the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra, member of the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra, professional performer
Gary Daverne
- (Conductor)
Shelly Beach Road, Ponsonby,
New Zealand
+64 9-3786932
+64 9-3786932
Composer of solo, duet, group and orchestra accordion music published by Ernest Deffner Publications. Composer and arranger for the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra. Has also been a guest conductor for many accordion and symphony orchestras including the Royal London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Silvio De Pra
104 Frederick Street, Onehunga,
New Zealand
+64 9-6257205
Chairman of the New Zealand Examination Board, regular entertainer at Italian restaurants around Auckland
Harley Jones
- (Performer)
3/34 Kitchener Road,
33533, Milford,
Auckland, 1309,
New Zealand
+64 9-4896927
+64 9-4896927
See internet site
Maurice Jones
292 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna,
Auckland, 1309,
New Zealand
+64 9-4860708
Very well known MIDI accordion entertainer and Italian trained repairer with 20 yrs experience. Manager of Accordion House
Wayne Knights
12 Girrahween Drive, Glenfield,
Auckland, 1310,
New Zealand
+64 9-4436701
Webmaster of Accordions Worldwide, part-time accordion teacher. Winner of many NZ Championship classes and adjudicator at international competitions. Committee member of the NZAA
Tatiana Lanchtchikova
- (Conductor & Performer)
1/26a Rewa Road,
Mt Eden,
New Zealand
+64 9-6303743
+64 9-6303743
Russian translator and editor of this web site. Graduate of Novosibirsk Tchaikovsky University, trained under Dmitry
Ermakov. Winner of many awards in local competitions in Russia, and performed regularly as a duet with Lilia
Eppinger. Also plays and teaches the piano.
Wallace Liggett
- (Conductor)
7/111 Maich Road, Manurewa,
New Zealand
+64 9-2680544
Author of "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand" book, examiner with the Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand, adjudictor in many New Zealand Championships, member of the New Zealand Accordion Association.
Heather Masefield
- (Conductor)
53 Kitchener Road,
Auckland, 1309,
New Zealand
+64 9-4863012
+64 9-4863012
Conductor of the North Shore Accordion Orchestra. Co-Director of the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra. Secretary of the Accordion Examination Board of NZ. Teacher of many NZ Solo Champions. Committee member of the NZ Accordion Association Inc.
Heather Mitchell-Gladstone
- (Performer)
128 Packe Street,
St. Albans,
Christchurch, 8009,
New Zealand
+64 3-3799188
+64 3-3799188
Vocal & Accordion Worldwide Performances & Tuition
Lionel Reekie
43 Meadowvale Road,
Forrest Hill,
Auckland, 1309,
New Zealand
+64 9-4104086
+64 9-4442806
Professional MIDI accordion performer and vocalist. Well-known regular performer around Auckland, accordionist and lead vocalist with the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra. Performed many times internationally as a soloist. Won numerous awards, featured on German TV, Cotati Festival, AAA 1996 and ATG Festivals in the USA.
1998 Conductor of the North Shore Musicale Orchestra
Tom Torriglia |
415 440 0800 |
Professional Performer |
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