accordionsonline 44 (0)1253 778764 or 44 (0) 1253 822046
We should like to welcome you to the inside pages of our new on line magazine. Our correspondents are busy collecting information for these pages, and we hope that week by week the content will be of even greater interest to you. Also with your help we can make this a very interesting and varied account of the Accordion Movement worldwide. Over the coming months, we hope to present you with some innovative information and news about the furtherance of the accordion. The people, the players, the teachers, the schools, any news, views or criticisms, history or photographs. We would like to conclude with thanks and appreciation, for the interest and support afforded to us in this latest endeavor. With this launch edition, we wish you all, happy days and nights with the accordion, enjoy it, let us know about it, if its about accordions, we are interested. Any club issues, club events, concerts, competitions, competition results, historical articles, photographs etc. Teacher listings, if you are a teacher in a school or in private practice, we want to list you. Editorial content used will be at the discretion of the Editors, any omissions, will be subtly imposed, with hopefully no loss of context. PLEASE E MAIL US GET ON LINE NOW!