Accordion World in Mourning for Wolmer Beltrami - Italy
Wolmer Beltrami, one of the greatest accordionists of this
century, died on October 28th, 1999. He was born in 1922 in the little
town of Breda Cisoni, in the province of Mantua, and began studying the
accordion with his father, immediately showing his great potential. At
fifteen he signed his first contract as a professional solo accordionist
with the "Columbia" recording label, and soon after he started
holding concerts abroad, especially in Germany and Switzerland. In
1947 he founded the "Wolmer-Kramer" duo which successfully
toured Italy and England and gained a wide acclaim through TV, theatre and
radio appearances as well as several recordings. With the advent of
television Beltrami was asked to host several musical shows, both with
various orchestral group and with the trio which included his sisters Leda
(accordion) and Luisa (double bass), who were both singers as well.
In 1960 he received a very important award, namely the world
accordion Oscar, and in the remainder of his career he concentrated mostly
on film soundtracks. Wolmer Beltrami’s style was unique and
unmistakable, he has left a legacy by means of a tremendous range of
recordings, from jazz to classical music through to virtuoso pieces.
more information on Wolmer, see his web site.
mondo della fisarmonica in lutto per Wolmer Beltrami/Italy Il
28 Ottobre, 1999 è scomparso uno dei più grandi fisarmonicisti del
nostro secolo: Wolmer Beltrami. Nato a Breda Cisoni (MN) nel 1922 inizia
con il padre lo studio della fisarmonica, dimostrando fin da ragazzino
eccellenti qualità. A 15 anni sottoscrive il primo contratto
come solista di fisarmonica con la casa discografica "Columbia"
e ben presto tiene concerti all'estero, sopratutto in Germania e in
Svizzera. Nel 1947 si costituisce il duo "Wolmer-Kramer" che
compie importanti tournée in Italia e in Inghilterra, riscuotendo
successi televisivi, teatrali, radiofonici e discografici. Con
l'avvento della televisione vengoni affidati a Wolmer Beltrami vari
programmi musicali, che egli presenta sia con varie formazioni orchestrali
che con il famoso "Trio" costituito insieme alle sorelle Leda (fisarmonica)
e Luisa (contrabbasso) entrambe cantanti. Nel 1960 riceve un
importante riconoscimento: l'Oscar mondiale della fisarmonica. In seguito
di dedica prevalentemente allo colonne sonore per film. Lo stile di Wolmer
Beltrami è personalissimo e inconfondible. Lo confermano le sue
magistrali interpretazioni che spaziano dal jazz al classico ai pezzi di