The chromatic accordion
evolved in the 1850's by F.
Walter, the original model was a one row diatonic invented in China,
this was. the original concept of the accordion. However, the
Diatonic Accordion capable of a chromatic scale of 46 notes,
was the prototype on which the chromatic accordion was
created. A rearrangement of the reeds and a Chromatic Button Accordion
was born.
Accordions come in several systems, 3 rows, 4 rows, 5 rows and 6
rows, rows 4, 5 and 6 are repeats of the first 3 rows. The two
most popular systems are the B and C system, B system has become
more popular in these latter years in the UK in competition, C
system is the commercial choice. The bass systems can be
stradella, free bass, or converter bass. The possibility to
perform classical transcriptions as they were written, or
contemporary music written specially for this system.
The Bayan
Accordion, is used in Russia mainly, but is gaining popularity